What is sunlight to dead leaves?
A prayer after so many grieves?
What is second love to empty soul?
Is it a filler to make me whole?
I just hope that Spring comes to stay
I don't have that many hearts to give away
Like that many leaves falling off the trees
When Autumn returns with elegies
Maybe I've fallen in love with you, Autumn
Brown, yellow, and orange dance in rhythm
With golden flakes dazzle in sunlight
And stagy wind whistles through branches at night
You tear away the sheets from books of psalms
To clothe me in the comfort of amber palms
So I can sleep for senseless reasons
Remind me not of other seasons
And here my search for love shall end
A forest of fallen Autumn hearts I'll tend
Myriad love notes to me you send
I promise you, Autumn, all leaves I'll mend!